The photographic evidence, combined with notes whose typing-up is long overdue, suggest that I sampled the Cognac Flight while Silvia had a Shirley Temple and J-Bomb the California Cider Seasonal: Ace Hard Cider.
There are no intelligible notes regarding the cider, merely the word SEBASTOPOL with a parenthetical note that reads: 'we don't know what that is.'
"This one's pretty. It's got bubbles." This quotation can only be indicative that Silvia was responding appropriately to my soliciting tasting notes or impressions regarding a Shirley Temple.
This is an approximate translation of my notes regarding the Cognac Flight, depicted above from left to right...
Frapin Chateau Fontpinot XO
Smokey & smooth. Very nice
Pierre Ferrand Ambre
Not smokey, more whiskey-like
Delamain Pale & Dry XO
Best. Not sour like the 2nd. Smooth
And here, thanks to Google Deep Dream code, is a good representation of what the Carthay experience is like if you enjoy the lounge for too many consecutive hours.